7 Essential Foods For Women`s Health
Every girl and woman desires to have an attractive and well-groomed appearance. To achieve this, it is recommended not only to use various cosmetic products but also to establish a proper diet. There is quite a large list of foods that can improve the condition of the skin on the face and body.
Among them, the following should be highlighted:
- Cabbage
- Berries
- Fish
- Eggs
- Cottage cheese
- Nuts
- Vegetable oils
Any cabbage, even fermented, is very beneficial on its own. Why is this product so important for women? Cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements such as iron, magnesium, potassium, and others necessary for normal cell construction. It also contains substances that help the female body convert improper estrogen hormones into proper ones, or rather, help block the transition of proper hormones into improper ones. It is on the basis of cabbage extracts that drugs and biologically active supplements are created for the prevention of breast and uterine cancer.
Everyone knows that fruits and berries are beneficial. But if we talk about the benefits for the female body, I would highlight cranberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries, raspberries, and currants. They contain substances that are very similar in their effect to some antibiotics, meaning they have excellent antimicrobial properties. For example, most medications for the treatment of kidney and bladder diseases are made based on cranberry extracts. To maintain a normal state of microflora in the urogenital system, it is worth consuming black and red berries in sufficient quantities.
Fish is a source of omega acids, fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin D, and E, which are necessary for calcium absorption in the blood, skin health, blood vessels, preservation of youth, and excellent intestinal function. It is advisable to consume sufficiently fatty fish that have not eaten antibiotics and hormones. This is why trying to buy fish that is not farm-raised but caught in clean waters is not a whim but a rule for maintaining health. The ideal fish is small in size, which has not yet accumulated heavy metal salts.
An egg, like caviar, is essentially an egg cell. As is known, they contain the most balanced composition of vitamins and microelements necessary for successful life development. Be sure to include eggs in your diet. It is important to eat them not hard-boiled but in a way that the yolk remains raw.
Cottage Cheese and Fermented Dairy Products
Cottage cheese, natural yogurts, and kefir contain live bacteria that positively affect digestion, intestinal function, and help normalize microflora. Moreover, these are the right fats. I am not a supporter of excluding fats from the diet, especially at a young and old age. Healthy fats found in eggs, homemade cottage cheese, and avocados are the building blocks for synthesizing sex hormones. Therefore, remember that eating fat-free food is extremely harmful.
All Types of Nuts
Any nuts are the most optimal and beneficial product for snacking. They saturate the body with all the necessary nutrients, contain healthy fats, light proteins, and are rich in vitamins.
Vegetable Oils
Vegetable oils are rich in so-called "beauty vitamins," which are extremely beneficial for the ovaries, skin condition, mucous membranes, eye sparkle, and hair quality. Oils should be unrefined, that is, natural. Among those that last the longest without refining, olive oil is the favorite. Flaxseed and sunflower oils, without refining, also help the body cleanse vessels and synthesize proper good cholesterol. If you ask Spaniards what their nation attributes to their longevity, you will hear the answer: olives, olive oil, oranges, and the sun. And this formula is quite real.
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