How Fast Can You Lose Weight?
Seems fit and attractive is the top-notch priority of people in today’s world. With time the perceptions of people regarding style, fitness and health got changed. Everyone wants to become healthy and slim and in today’s era, it’s a challenging task.
The reasons that make weight loss the challenging task
Before jumping to the weight loss methods we first need to examine the reasons for weight gain among people. For instance, if your weight is gaining because of any disease you cannot control it through fasting or dieting, even if you need proper medication for that. Obesities among people are because of many reasons. For treating the obesity issue you need to get aware of the reason behind it. The factors that play a great role in weight loss or gain are following
- Race
- Age
- Ethnicity
- Genetics
- Hormones
- Social factors
- Physique
- Diet
Losing weight is a process and for long-term weight loss you need to work hard it does not have any shortcut. The following are the causes that hinder you in weight loss.
1. Eating without measuring
When you eat without keeping balance and timetable you will prey by the issue of weight gain. A lot of obese people have this issue that while eating they could never keep eye on their quantity of meals. According to many studies, the imbalance in food intake causes weight gain.
2. Eating less protein
Many peoples have the wrong perception about protein that having protein makes you fat. However, the fact is that people get obese because of protein deficiency. Having enough intake of protein in your body will reduce your craving to eat food that will automatically decrease your weight. The deficiency of protein will also affect the hormones that regulate appetite. Having high protein is also a hassle; therefore you should take proteins in balance.
3. Lack of consistency in workout
The people who do work out and despite complaints about weight gain must have irregularity in their workout routine.
4. Unhealthy routines
Many people complain about their fat bodies instead of eating limited food but they don’t pay attention to their routine which is unhealthy due to the following factors.
- Bad sleeping habit
- Not affix time to take food
- No walking habit
- No workout
- Spent more time sticking at a place
5. Eating junk food
As now a day eating junk food has become the most famous trend. Due to the largest variety of junk food, people get attracted towards junk items. One more factor in becoming obese is to eating junk items in place of food.
6. Mental health
Many people get obese because of their mental issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression. People have a habit to eat more in the condition of tension. Moreover, many people have the issue that they forget in tension that they have eaten food. This situation causes the reason for the weight gain.
7. Eating too many calories
A lot of people who complain about weight loss do not notice their food that contains a rich quantity of calories. Many people claim that they do not eat more food but still they are fat, the reason behind this notion is their food that is less in quantity but has rich amount of calories in a single bite.
How can I lose weight drastically?
After realising the weight gain issue people wants to get slim in a very short period if you are one of those who want to get lose weight very fast, then you need to analyse your eating, sleeping, and workout habit. To lose weight by hooks and crooks you need to follow the points given below.
- For quick weight, loss fasting is the best practice. If you cannot fast all day then you need to keep intermittent fasting in your routine.
- Never skip your exercise and diet. Make a timetable for exercise and a diet chart and follow it strictly.
- Eat the food by analysing its calories, protein, and fats.
- Make a routine to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner on time and do not eat any food except it.
- Eliminate the sugar from your meal chart and the food that contains rich carbohydrates.
- Eat fresh vegetables rather than cooked food.
- Start the jogging exercise in the morning on daily basis and increase the rounds of jogging as well as the exercise patterns to reduce weight drastically.
Extreme weight lose methods
• Make a habit of eating breakfast
Many people awake late in the morning and after awaking they do not take breakfast. In addition, the unhygienic breakfast intake such as stuff full of oil and junk items after waking makes you obese. People who have the issue of obesity need to make the habit of taking breakfast in their daily routine. You should eat fresh juices and green tea with a lemon squeeze.
• Weight lifting
With the exercise and jogging, you need to start weight lifting as it is considered the fattest releasing exercise. Weight lifting causes sweating in rich amounts that aid the body to reduce fat rapidly.
• Stay motivated with making friends
Reducing weight cannot be done in a single night. It takes time and at the initial level for the staring 15 days there would be a slight change in your body. After a little bit of weight loss, people feel less motivated and drop down their routine which causes again a weight gain on their body. To cope with this issue you need to make a friend who is suffering from the same issue or has the same goal as you. A friend like you becomes a competitor and through this way, you can get consistent to attain your goal.
• Stop doing the activities that hinder your movement
Increase the number of activities that make you mobilise. In addition, you should reduce the activities from your routine that sticks you to a place. For instance, you should reduce the hours of watching television and sitting in front of the computer.
All in all, weight loss is not a drastic process it can be faster if you keep the practice of discipline in your life. In addition, you can accomplish your task of reducing weight through add the above things to your routine.