Part 1:
LO1 Examine the health, care and support services available to an individual requiring multidisciplinary care.
Purpose of this Assessment:
The aim of this unit is to develop student’s understanding of an individual’s right to being involved in their own care and develop student’s skills in promoting this right when working with individuals. This right is, in many cases, enshrined in law and in the fundamental standards of care. It is a critical element of person-centred care and leads to improved, and often more cost-effective outcomes. Students will explore the importance of working relationships within multidisciplinary settings and the impact on the individual.
You are working as part of a team within a community adult service provider. You have been selected by the management to investigate the local resources within your community which provide integrated care for adult service users.
You also need to find out exactly what sort of integrated health and social care services are available for Mr Johnson 65 year’s old man who moved to Britain from St Lucia couple of years back. Johnson has left-sided weakness as a result of a stroke. He is able to walk with the aid of a stick but is prone to falls and is scared to leave his house alone. He has no family nearby. He lives alone in a one-bedroom rented flat. Johnson is also having early stage vascular dementia which makes him forgetful. Until recently his next door neighbour was helping him with shopping, meals and housework but his neighbour is out of city for a while. Johnson is having heart condition and high blood pressure for which he is required to take medication on a daily basis. He often forgets to take his medication because of dementia. He used to be very sociable and spent a lot of time in the local pub, which recently closed down. Johnson is depressed and sociology isolated. A couple of neighbours have called social services expressing concern that he is not looking after himself. They claim there is a strong, unpleasant smell coming from his flat.
Formative Submission: Week 4
The formative elements for this assessment is based on a group discussion about the ‘’different models of partnership working’’ to be held during 4th week of the term. Each group will be write-up short overview of the results of their own group’s discussion on a flip chart poster and discuss in the class. Students are encouraged to comment on each other’s group poster after it has been discussed in the class.
Mode of Assessment: Discussion on Flip chart poster
Final Submission:
For the assessment of LO1 you are required to write a report of approximately 1,500 words containing evidence of your research and findings. Your report should consider the services available within your local area and how they meet the needs of an individual requiring multidisciplinary care.
You will need to:
- Outline local community resources and provision that supports integrated care planning/working
- Describe local unmet need related to healthcare provision in own local area.
- Explain the difference between health and social care providers and types of interagency care provision in relation to meeting the needs of the individual requiring care
- Evaluate local resources/provision in terms of meeting the needs of an identified individual requiring multidisciplinary care.
You will be expected to include a care profile of the area in your report, referenced images, and a map of your local area to identify the services discussed. Your report should be submitted as a word-processed document. You are required to use headings and titles where appropriate. You are encouraged to use other materials to support your work. The recommended word length is 1500 words, though you will not be penalised for exceeding this. Reference list supported by in-text citations using the Harvard Referencing Style must be used. In other words, any reference in your reference list must have a matching in-text citation. Word count excludes the cover page, table of contents, reference list and relevant appendices.
This provides evidence for: P1, P2, M1, D1
Word count:1500 – 2000 words + appendices
Submission: Turnitin via Moodle
LO2, LO3 and LO4:
Note: Learning outcomes two, three and four will be assessed as part of an integrated work experience/placement and draw on theory/concepts covered in the unit.
Submission should be in the form of a Portfolio of evidence of Practice-based Reflection:
Your Portfolio of Practice-based evidence will consist of three sections:
An Anonymised Care Assessment
Observation Reports of your Practice
Reflection on your Practice and Development.
You are required to complete a work placement in a healthcare setting. Whilst you are working you will need to develop and complete a case study on an individual who has a person centred plan to meet their health and social care needs, in addition to this you will need to reflect on your anonymised care assessment and own practice in supporting different individuals and your team when providing care support.
For the assessment of LO2 you will be required to produce two elements:
- An anonymised care assessment which demonstrates the capacity of an individual to make choices in their care pathway. This will be the start of your case study.
- A report of 1,500 – 2,000 words regarding the differences in care assessment processes.
You will need to:
- Outline an individual’s capacity to support the identification of their own care needs
- Describe your role and that of different healthcare professionals in supporting the individual through person-centred care
- Explain the process of different person-centred assessments in defining the individual’s own care pathway
- Critically evaluate a capacity assessment of an individual’s care needs to identify areas for improvement.
For the assessment of LO3 and LO4, your portfolio will include Reflections on your anonymised care assessment and work practice,you will include observations of your:
1. Partnership working within a multidisciplinary team involved in the delivery of the care pathway.
2. Skills required for person-centred communication in implementing person-centred plans.
In your Reflection, you will need to:
- Identify the relationships and partnership working within multidisciplinary working within multi-disciplinary teams
- Describe the responsibilities of information sharing between multidisciplinary teams
- Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of information sharing within the multidisciplinary team and the impact on the individuals care needs
- Provide a detailed analysis of your role in partnership working and coproduction with the individual for the delivery of the care pathway
- Describe the responsibilities involved in balancing individuals rights and choices with duty of care
- Explain the differing communication methods used to support an individual in meeting and reviewing their care needs
- Analyse a balanced approach to positive risk taking in supporting the individual to meet their ongoing care needs
- Critically evaluate your role in facilitating and empowering the individual to communicate their changing care needs.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO1 Examine the health, care and support services available to an individual requiring multidisciplinary care
D1 Evaluate local resources and provision in terms of meeting the needs of an identified individual requiring multidisciplinary care
P1 Outline local resources and provision that supports integrated care working
P2 Describe current local unmet need related to health, care and support service provision in own locale
M1 Explain the difference between healthcare and social care providers and types of interagency care provision in relation to meeting the needs of the individual requiring care
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO2 Assess an individual’s capacity to identify their own needs
D2 Evaluate the differences in care assessments across the integrated care pathway
P3 Provide support to an individual in a health, care or support service setting towards the identification of their own care needs
P4 Describe the role of the health, care or support service practitioner in supporting person-centred care
M2 Explain own involvement in the different person-centred assessments used to define an individual’s care pathway
LO3 Describe the impact of own relationship with the individual and multidisciplinary team members involved in the delivery of the care pathway
D3 Provide a detailed analysis of own personal growth and development in supporting an individual to access the quality integrated care they require to meet their needs, within parameters of own practice
P5 Provide appropriate leadership within the remit of own role in a health, care or support service to promote effective Interprofessional and multidisciplinary team working
P6 Describe the responsibilities of information sharing between multidisciplinary teams
M3 Provide competent and autonomous leadership in information sharing within a multidisciplinary team in own setting towards meeting different individuals’ care needs
LO4 Demonstrate the need for person-centred communication in implementing person-centred plans
D4 Evaluate own role and practice in facilitating and empowering an individual to communicate their changing care needs in health, care and support services
P7 Describe different communication methods used to provide appropriate support to different individuals to meet and review their care needs
P8 Apply appropriate communication strategies in identifying and responding to the needs of different service users in a health, care or support service
M4 Demonstrate safe and clinically effective practice within own professional boundaries when communicating with different service users and staff in health, care or support services
M5 Analyse own capacity for positive and person-centred risk-taking when supporting an individual to maintain their own identity to meet their ongoing care needs