Unit 11: Producing Visual Design for Use in Marketing Communications (Advertising)
Unit code: H/504/3099
QCF level: 4
Credit value: 7
Guided learning hours: 30
Unit aim
This unit aims to educate learners about how to produce visual designs for use in advertising. Learners will develop an understanding of how to plan out a visual design methodically and gain approval for it.
Competency unit assessment guidance
This unit should be assessed predominantly in the workplace. Please see Annexe E. Observation, witness testimony, questioning, professional discussion, written and product evidence are all sources of evidence which can be used.
Unit introduction
In the context of advertising there is some truth in the old saying ‘A picture is worth 1000 words ...’. The visual design is often the first thing that impacts on an audience, creating a memorable image, stimulating interest and, hopefully, generating action in the viewer. Conversely, poor visual elements an advertisement can create negative feelings in the viewer which could have a long-term effect on the business, product or brand being advertised.
In this unit learners will be introduced to some of the key issues that relate to producing visual design that has an impact, is memorable and does not cause offence to any sections of society, but is persuasive enough to be effective in terms defined by the client. In addition learners will produce visual designs that are suitable for the product, the medium and the target audience, and are technically suitable for the chosen advertising medium.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.
On completion of this unit a learner should:
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
1 Understand key issues
relating to producing visual design for use
in marketing communications (advertising)
1.1 Identify production techniques which
can be used across different
1.2 Assess the benefits and limitations of
types of visual design used
for different channels
and platforms
1.3 Explain the implications of intellectual
property rights and copyright when preparing visual design
2 Be
able to identify and agree the requirements for visual design for use in
marketing communications (advertising)
Confirm own understanding
of the content
of a creative brief
Confirm own roles
and responsibilities within
a creative
Obtain any feedback and clarification needed
to produce visual designs to the required quality
Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria
3 Be able
to develop persuasive design for clients
for use in visual marketing communications (advertising)
Involve all appropriate parties in
the development of persuasive visual design
Create all aspects of persuasive visual design identified
in a creative brief
Check that imagery, typography
and layout are consistent
and appropriate to:
● the nature and level of the target audience
● the creative brief
● brand guidelines
Check that the quality and format of all images allow
the best reproduction within technical
and financial limitations
Check that the overall layout of
imagery, typography and text
is balanced, eye catching and persuasive
Maintain internal consistency in
content and style within
and between text and imagery
Check layout,
cropping, masking
and sizing for:
● editorial implications
● visual implications
● structural design
implications cost
Check own work to confirm
that the content:
● complies with legislation relating
to visual design
● meets the brief
● will engage the target
Work within
a set budget and timescales
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