Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet
The internet has now become the most feasible need in our daily life. Robert E Kahn and Vinton Cerf are the two main people who invented the internet. Although people are using the internet all over the world and it facilitates public in many regions. It made life easier to live. No matter where you are you can use it without any apprehension. In short, it has become the most powerful tool for us with a varied collection of resource and services.
Today internet has brought a globe in one unit. You can avail various types of facilities like online shopping, paying utility bills, and transferring money from one bank to other. It has also played a very vital role in the education sector. Now studies have become more feasible to get. A student can avail numerous types of relevant information by making use of the internet. Most of the students face problems during their higher education. Normally, teachers assign different academia support tasks that require good writing and searching skills which is difficult for some students to deal with it. However, there are different Professional Writing Experts that provide assistance through the internet in order to facilitate them viably.
There are certain advantages of the internet that made our life hassle-free. Some of them are illustrated below:
With the help of internet life has become so easy you can communicate with your loved one without any problem; even you can talk to each other by watching one another. Moreover, through internet people can easily make use of Skype, snapchat, video conferencing, WhatsApp calling and many more.
Online Facilities
Online facilities are also available through this technology. Now you can do online banking, pay your bills, do online shopping and the most important you can avail any sort of Academic Writing Help. This now becomes very useful in students’ academic career.
No more boring time period, when you are free from all facet of work you can spend your leisure time by watching your favourite movie, drama, any comedy show or by playing games. Indeed, media entertainment has become successful in versatile entertainment factor.
With many advantages, there are some disadvantages of the internet that impact our lives in a negative manner. Some of them are listed below:
Loss of Studies
Most students engage themselves in this technology that they ruin their study period. They involved in chatting, watching movies or playing games and waste their precious time in unhealthy activities. They are using internet for the wrong purpose which is not good and this is the biggest demerits of this tool.
Health Issue
By engaging too much in this, many of us have health issues and it affected their eyes and mostly suffers from backbone pain. So never get too much involved in it because it affects immune system which has negative effects on our body.
Account Hacking
Account hacking is one of the biggest disadvantages of the internet. People stole others information and then misuse their personal things and do fraud in order to demand money and other things from them.