Assessment Task Two: Extended Answers
In this task you will need to answer the following questions in as much detail as possible. Your answers should be based on your current workplace or one that you have been part of.
- Identify the key cultural safety issues in your workplace. In your answer (no more than one page) you should discuss the following:
a) What are the critical issues that influence relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and how do you ensure that cultural safety is integrated into your work practice?
b) Do you think you are doing this effectively? Explain why / why not and provide detailed examples and suggestions.
- You are looking to promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety in your workplace. Suggest how you gain input from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in your organisation. Ensure in your response you: (2-3 pages)
a) Provide specific examples around communication strategies both current and proposed
b) Evaluate the extent to which cultural safety is currently integrated and its effects on your service
c) Discuss how processes and / or practices could be adapted and improved
d) Discuss partnerships with community and what resources are available
- Describe a program or service your organisation offers that has a cultural safety component / strategy and explain the outcomes and how they are measured and evaluated.
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